GUNDAM MAGICA: collaboration Madoka Magica and GUNDAM.

Funny pictures for Madoka Magica. Collaboration Madoka Magica girls and GUNDAM.

You can find anime products from 10000+ items in
Otaku Republic is the largest anime goods shop with over 100,000 products available. Doujinshi, Tapestry, T-shirt, Sticker and other anime character items.

Madoka Magica mobile accessory will be sold in only theater.

Madoka Magica moblile accessory will be sold in only theater.
Price is 800JPY for each items. Really Cute!!

Bonbori Festival will be held in 6th-Oct from Hanasaku Iroha

Bonbori Festival in Hanasaku Iroha became real festival at last year.
It will be held in 6th-Oct in Toyama at Yunosagi Onsen!!

 nano.RIP live will be held at the same time.

We can get original good and ticket.

You can find anime products from 10000+ items in
Otaku Republic is the largest anime goods shop with over 100,000 products available. Doujinshi, Tapestry, T-shirt, Sticker and other anime character items.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 2nd season. New information!!

"Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT" is a title of Haganai 2nd season.
And new Key visual is released.

Trailer movie for 2nd season.

Key visual.

Koiiro Soramoyou pilgrimage to Shikoku

 Innoshima Oohashi in Shimanami Kaido

Kitaura Hachiman Shirine

Tari Tari pilgrimage Map

Tari Tari freak make Map for pilgrimage.
It is very useful.
When you click pin, you may see both picture real place and anime.

より大きな地図で TARI TARI 聖地巡礼MAP を表示

Oda Nobuna no Yabou pilgrimage to Kyoto

From OP

Kyoto Gosyo From ep7

 Kiyomizu Shrine